I've mentioned before, that we go to my inlaws for the 4th every year to BBQ with family & friends and to watch the big college show. What I didn't mention, was that we were pretty anxious about this year's event because we would be seeing (and possibly speaking to) David's brother and his new wife for the first time since their wedding back in February. There has been quite the load of family drama between us and then for about a year now and we were just not sure how things were gonna go down. Unfortunately there was drama but fortunately (I guess?) it happened and ended fairly quickly (with their leaving) and we were all, somewhat, able to enjoy the rest of the evening. Everyone ate & chatted, the kids ran around and played, we got ice creams from the ice cream man - good thing cause it was definitely a warm night! We also celebrated Lacie's bday with everyone there. Poppie & Mammie bring her cake every year and this year they had enscribed it with their nickname for her - BUTTON (get it? cause she's "cute as a button"? :) )And then it was time for the big show! It was gorgeous as usual and this was the first year that we ALL got to sit outside and enjoy it - in previous years we had the kids inside watching through the windows because it is SO loud. Colby did get a bit nervous but overall did WAY better than expected. Here's to next year!
My baby sister - poor thing, she fell at school earlier that week and got an owie :(
Doesn't the ice cream look JUST like my mom? we got a chuckle outta that :)
The kiddos waiting for the show to start- Ethan, Baby H, Isabelle, Lacie, & Colby
Singing Happy Birthday to Button - I love Colby's face in the background
YAY Sparklers!!!
The following 2 photos were taken by my friend Doris (Ethan's mommy)

Sorry about the bit of drama... but otherwise it looks like you guys had a nice 4th of July.
I can't wait to have kids someday and experience 4th of July with them. Fireworks have a whole new excitement when kids are around. :-)
I can't wait till you have kids either Colleenie :) EVERYTHING has a new excitement when you see it through their eyes! Even the simplest things like fog, or the moon, or shadows that we totally take for granted now :)
wish we could do fireworks here
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