To my daughter's 6th birthday.
She woke up that Thursday morning to a big Camp Rock Happy Birthday sign hanging on the wall. We also gave her a sash that said Birthday Girl and a rhinestone "L" necklace, & a tiara. And her special surprise from Daddy was that he took the day off work just to be with her :) She was extra thrilled with this!
For her special birthday dinner she chose Red Robin. She loved when the waiters came and sang to her, but she didn't want her birthdy sundae so brother & I took care of it for her!
Nope, we're not related :)
After dinner we walked through the mall to a special new girly store - Libby Lu. My girly-girl was in heaven! Pink stuff, Glittery stuff, Hannah Montana stuff, High School Musical stuff, it was ALLL there! She was told that she could pick out something(s) to buy and she had a really hard time doing so! After walking around and around the store with eyes as big as saucers she finally settled on a pink rhinestone hiphop hat and a glittery microphone. My lil pop star in the making!
After Libby Lu we went to visit the Build a Bear Workshop. She had received a gift certificate and some $$ in the mail for her bday that she wanted to spend there. She picked out a bunny to stuff and love and she named her Miley Ann Gago :)
She kept saying "Thank you!" over and over and how this was "her BEST birthday ever!" I'm so glad that her Daddy and I are able to give her these great memories. I just can't believe she's 6!
What a fun day for Lacie! Looks like she had an awesome time!
looks like a good time was had by all. I want to take the girls to Build a Bear! I can't believe how old she is! CRAZY!!
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