My good friend Carla puts on a semi-annual consignment sale called Little Feet Repeats. You can learn more about it here. So Lacie Bug and I went shopping the other night to see what we could find. I was on the hunt for a highchair for my daycare and some winter clothes for the kids. Well I didn't get a highchair, but a booster seat instead. Found Colby a winter coat for $5 but nothing else in his size. We were able to find a few cute things in Lacie's size though - a jean skirt, a pair of jeans, a nightgown, and a top. THEN, we found a lil hoodie sweatshirt. It's pink LOVELY. Then I go to look at what's printed on the back AND......IT'S JUICY COUTURE!!!!! Had to have it! It was only $4!!!!! What's funny is that Lacie has NO clue of the significance hehe She'll recognize ROXY but hasn't had any Juicy exposure.
Setelah Haid Apa Bisa Hamil
1 year ago
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