Now that I'm not working, I have a lil bit more time to finally start decorating our home (a year later!) the way we've wanted it. I got a hankering to do a lil fancying up of my laundry room - of all places! I told my mom that I never thought I'd be so excited to have a nice purdy place to wash clothes LOL But after years of laundromat visits, and if you consider how much time I spend in there! It's a no brainer :)
Awhile back I was inspired by this gal and although mine is no where near as purdy-full as hers, it's definitely coming along!
I have plans to paint the walls lavendar and the shelf (and trim?) black. I have a few more cream colored accessories to add and I also want to doll up my containers a bit with ribbons and what nots. I wish I had a before picture. That shelf was CRAMMED with cleaning supplies! I am really enjoying the nice clean look of the containers and having "a place for everything, and everything in its place"!
Setelah Haid Apa Bisa Hamil
1 year ago
cute!!!!! I wish I had a laundry room to make pretty!
that's cute
Love it! Where did you get your mom sign???
oh, you linked to me! How sweet! :) I completely think that a laundry room is one of those places that NEEDS to be cute, so I am so glad you're treating yourself to your own little space. The sign is perfect, I love it!! I can't wait to see the room when it's all done and painted, it is going to be SO lovely. Purple is a great color. :)
Love it, love it, love it!!! This is jealous!! lol
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