Today is the one year anniversary of my very first blog post!!!!!!!
In 365 days I have made 256 posts!
I would like to shout out special thanks to these 2 lovely ladies for first tempting me with their blogs and making me want to be a copycat. Without them, I just might not be here today! And that would just be S A D right?
I mean maybe not for my house and such cause it tends to get a lil neglected every once in awhile :) but it would definitely be sad for me!
This blog has become such an outlet for me as far as expressing thoughts, feelings, tracking my crazy kids, documenting family events, etc. But it's also helped me find other bloggers that I can relate to or aspire to be more like. Just about every week I find myself adding a new favie to my lil list over there ------>
So while I don't know that that many people read my thoughts on a regular basis there are PLENTY that I read even if I don't really "know" them.
In honor of this lil anniversary, I've decided to do something that I've never done before.
GIVE AWAY A PRIZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've seen a few other bloggers do this recently and it looks like ALOT of fun and I'm hoping it might help some of you delurk yourself? Let's all join together and take off those stalker capes, yah you know you have one, and put on our friendship hats instead! YAY! :)
So here's the rules:
You have until NEXT SATURDAY (July 12th) at 11:59am (PST) to leave me a comment that tells about a special out of the ordinary anniversary(i.e. not a bday, or wedding, or dating anniversary) that you "celebrate" every year.
Then, later that day I will put all the commenters names in a bowl and draw a name.
That winner will recieve a lil goody bag of prizes for yours truly. Now don't get too excited cause I do mean lil - it is birthday season around here you know ;) But it'll still be great!
So there ya go, have fun!!!!
here I was just coming to say "THANK YOU" for entering my give-away, and I get to enter one of yours! How fun! :)
Congrats on a whole year... and may I say that is an impressive number of posts. I only got 100 in a year. haha.
One anniversary that we will celebrate in the future (we haven't had a chance to do so yet) is that of the day my sweet niece and nephew were adopted into our family. My sister-in-law and her husband are in the process of doing that right now, and it is so exciting.
I just wrote about an anniversary date coming up. It's something we haven't "celebrated" yet but will be
July 25th.. one year since Presley was diagnosed with Diabetes....
To anybody else reading this thinking "that's weird.. your celebrating your kid being diabetic?" No no.. go read the blog.. just click on Gretchie.. under People Katie knows. hahaha
Man! I wish I had an out-of-the-ordinary anniversary that I celebrated, but I don't! Can I make one up?? :)
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