I've been really drooling over all the fantastic DSLRs out there in blog world and I've had my eye on a few at Best Buy but was always really put off by the fact that you could only use the view finder for taking pictures. I am not the world's best photog and I wear glasses - 2 things I thought would keep me from really enjoying the beautifulness that is a DSLR. Even though I doubt they COULD take bad pictures. But anyway, as I was checking my email today I came across an advertisement for this lil beauty! Oh man oh man I am DYING to get my hands on one of these and try it out! Whadya think?
Setelah Haid Apa Bisa Hamil
1 year ago
WOW that's a lot of money!!! That's my initial reaction...hahaha!
YEAH! DSLR's are so much fun to learn. My only piece of advice though... look into a Canon or Nikon. Finding additional Sony lenses is like pulling teeth. They don't have a lot of standardized equipment... and most companies the sell after market (less expensive) lenses make them for Canon and/or Nikon. Most everything is geared towards Nikon or Canon. I think Canon has the best entry to mid level cameras too. Lots of people I know who are looking for entry level DSLR's for daily use are looking at Canon Rebels. (Plus, Canon is coming out with a new one very soon.) So, if you want to do photography as a hobby and think you'll eventually buy more equipment (and believe me, you'll want more... I promise)... then really do some research into those 2 brands. I think there are a few different levels of Canon Rebel's too.
Personally, I'm a Nikon girl... but I can't deny the price point and quality of a Canon Rebel. My cousin Christie is getting one this summer. And if you end up getting one... feel free to ask me any questions. And I can get you in contact with my cousin too... which would basically be like talking to Consumer Reports b/c she exhaustively is researching her purchase. She already has been for months and I believe settled on the Rebel that will be released very soon.
Just some words for thought.
I love My Nikon, but you know that! I'm way a beginner in my picture taking and it is so easy to use, and takes that best pictures! even on the auto setting! I'm still learning about mine, so much fun!
couldn't agree with colleen more...
well the first part.. hehe
I'm a canon girl on the 2nd part :) check out the rebel
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