My bestie and I have been talking/wishing/dreaming about going to see WICKED since like forever. We were planning on going this summer before the show leaves Los Angeles but at the last minute we were able to get tickets for a few weekends ago. I am SO glad we did because now we have time to go see it again (and again?) before it leaves this summer!!! Yes, yes, it was THAT good!I made the drive down to LA all by myself on that Sunday afternoon. I met Gretchen, her mom, and her sister at the Bubba Gump restaurant at the Universal City Walk. I was so proud of myself for getting down there in a timely manner, was so excited to see my friend and her family, and was crazy excited to see the show.
So we had a wonderful dinner (luckily they had chicken hehehe) and conversation and then got back in our vehicles to head down the freeway a bit to where the Pantages Theater is. It was really cool when we turned on this one street, we got to a stop sign and right in front of us was a really good view of the HOLLYWOOD sign! No matter how many times I see that thing I still get giddy :) I was driving so this pic was stolen from Gretchie.
We parked almost directly across the street from the theater and were trying really hard NOT to pee our pants over huge WICKED sings that were everywhere!
We took tons of pictures and just talked and talked about how excited we were. When we got into the theater we went shopping first. I wanted everything but stuck with a tshirt (for now) and a sodie in a souvenir cup (mmm sodie tastes SO much better wicked hahaha). We saw signs that said that there was no photography or video allowed once you were in your seats so we took PLENTY in the lobby. I mentioned taking pictures of the show without using my flash and the girls all told me that if I got kicked out they would not be coming with me LOL
The more we talked about the show and the original cast the more I realized how behind in the times I was in this WICKED obsession! The girls had watched tons of YouTube videos, knew all the songs, and knew tons of lil tidbits about the cast! Gretchen's mom had also already seen the play once but was really good about not giving out any spoilers.
We got in to the theater and found our seats quickly and OH MY WORD were they amazing! Just about 14 rows up from the orchestra, DEAD CENTER! Beautiful really! The set was gorgeous too! And then the music started. More peeing of the pants here.
I think my mouth hung open just about the entire time. It was soooooooo amazing! I can not say that enough. The only performance I was disappointed with was the guy who played Fiyero. I just don't think he was up to par with the rest of the cast members.
Now I have seen a few other Broadway shows & musicals but NONE of them have grabbed me and held on to me like this one. I can not stop reading articles or watching videos or listening to the songs. I check etsy and ebay daily to see if there is anything I could buy. It has definitely become an obsession! I wear my wicked shirt every chance I get too and the other day when I was shopping at Target (my other obsession! LOL), a lady stopped me and we just starting reminiscing about the show and the music in the middle of the checkout lane! I'm sure people thought we were crazy hehehe
So I give it FOUR STARS, TWO very enthusiastic THUMBS UP, I Highly recommend it and can NOT wait to go back!
Setelah Haid Apa Bisa Hamil
1 year ago
it's the BEST!!!!
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