Friday, January 18, 2008

One step closer....

to days of mommy and daddy getting to sleep in!!!!

I had put some cereal in a cup for Brother this morning and he told me he DIDN'T want milk in it. So I leave his cup on the counter and head back to my bedroom to get ready for our day.

A few minutes later Sister comes in with Brother not too far behind, telling that he POURED THE MILK ALL BY HIMSELF!!!!! She wasn't tattling though, she was VERY proud because he DIDN'T SPILL ANYTHING!!!
So I run out to the kitchen just to check and sure enough, no spills, and in his lil cup there is just the right amount of milk!

WOOHOO!!! hahaha


Megan said...

hey lady, just catching up on your bloggs, I am so far behind! Colby is Such a big boy!!!!! oh and I totally don't like the new Sugarland song....just not cool!!! we need to get together soon and chat and hang out, I could totally use some scrapbooking time!!!!