Tuesday, January 1, 2008


"Wow I can't believe it's 2008" How many times have you heard that one? haha
For some reason this year didn't seem to go by as fast for me as other years. Definitely fast but not AS fast. How bout you?
I can't help but feel excited this morning. Maybe even more excited than I was on Christmas. I think 2008 is going to be a GREAT year for me and my family.
My house is clean (mostly ;) ), I have a gorgeous roof over my head (that we OWN!!!), food in my tummy & pantry, a great husband, & the 2 most gorgeous kids in the whole world. Seriously, what more could a girl ask for!
I have a lot of goals & plans for this year and I feel really confident in accomplishing them all.

  • I want to lose weight and KEEP IT OFF!!!!!!!!!!!! All year, for good, FOREVER. I'm going to take it slow and not stress myself out over it all and I'm for SURE going to exercise everyday. I'm not just doing this for myself, but for my kids. I don't want to be an embarrassment to them and I want to be healthy enough to be around for a long time!
  • I want to keep my house presentable at all times. No having to throw laundry in our closet and shut the door. I want all doors open when guests come over unannounced. I'm not expecting miracles since we are home so much of the day and well, with 2-5 kids running around at any given time, there's a guarantee of toys galore! Like I said, presentable is my goal.
  • I want to spend more than just 16 hours scrapbooking this year. Not a goal to get caught up (hahahaha). Just a goal to spend more time doing what I love!
  • I want to spend less wasteful time on the computer - but definitely important time blogging!
  • I want to learn how to embroider and maybe how to sew. REALLY bad!
  • I want to MAKE more gifts instead of running out at the last minute to buy things that people probably won't get much use out of.
  • I want to play more games with my family.
  • I want LESS DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmmm that's all I have for now :) How bout you? What are your goals/resolutions?


i dont care said...

Good one friend. I'm with ya on loosing the weight and the scrapbook one. I LOVE THAT. just for what you said.. doing something YOU love. and I agree. we spend so much time and energy in our families and work, that we often forget about ourself. So I too want to do something like scrapbooking for me