Friday, December 28, 2007

School Christmas Performance

Just before Christmas break, the kids' school had their annual Christmas performance. They have been practicing for weeks and the way they sing these songs that are hundreds of years old just melts your heart! I was a lil nervous about my kids that are notorious for their stage fright but they both did WONDERFULLY! Hopefully I'll be able to get a lil video of the performance up before next Christmas gets here ;) In the meantime, here are a few pics of their total cuteness!
Sister's class sang Rudolph the red Nosed Reindeer

Brother's class sang "Santa Clause is Coming to Town"

Yes, yes those lil beauties are MINE ALL MINE!!!

This is the crew that I have with me just about daily :)

The wonderful teachers that are helping to mold my kids' into upstanding citizens. I LOVE THEM!


Anonymous said...

Great pics! Great to "see" baby Ray. Love those t-shirts. I need to commission a few. Good luck with that no stress thing...Hope the present I gave your Mom might help you out with that. See you soon.

Happy New Year Love the Wolfes