This past Saturday night was a day that my husband has been waiting for, for a VERY long time.
David, my father in law, and myself took Lacie & Colby to their very first Dodger game EVER (we don't count the time we went when I was 7mos pregnant with Lace). Leading up to the big event Lacie was getting more and more excited and Colby was getting more and more anxious. Poor guy I hope he grows out of this soon!
David picked this night because they were giving away free Russell Martin #55 batting practice jersey's to everyone 14 and under. Which worked out really nicely because there were ALOT of lil kids (i.e. families) there which I think made the crowd more tolerable.
Daddy bought us the perfect seats for the kids. We were in the front row of one of the sections so there was probably about a 4' wide walk way for the kids to mess around on. They didn't HAVE to stay in their seats. This helped ALOT!
Now, as you look through these pictures you will see more of Lacie than Colby. This shows which one was more into the night LOL
She's ready to catch a home run! She also picked up real quick on how to BOO the Padres fans! hahaha
(well not really cause man are these things EXPENSIVE!)
Cotton candy that they HAD to have but then didn't eat
Our goal was to stay until the 7th inning stretch so that they could have the experience of singing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame". A song that David has been singing to them since they were newborns. We made it! Barely LOL By then end Colby was in my lap with his face hidden saying over and over "I wanna go home. Please take me home." hahaha I have a video of this but stinkin blogger isn't cooperating.

David's already planning for the next Dodger game and is wanting to take them to a REAL Lakers game now too. Maybe me and Colby will just stay home? *wink*
so cute! Looks like everyone had fun :)
Cute friend! looks like all had a good time, who won? the Dodgers or the Padres?
OOOH guess I shoulda mentioned that lil tidbit eh? The Dodgers WON!!! I believe the final score was 11-1...
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