Friday, February 15, 2008

Hannah Montana in 3D!!!!!!!!!!!

We weren't able to make it to the closest Hannah Montan concert (Fresno) last fall so when we heard news of a 3D movie version of a concert coming to theaters WE (Lacie, Bellie, and I) were so stoked! It ended up being my parents, Lacie and I at the concert. Brother wanted NOTHING to do with it so he and Daddy went off to do "Boy" stuff - somehow my Father got wrangled into coming with the girls - which they LOVED!

We got the girls all RockStarred out in their Hannah Montana duds and picked up our 3D shades from the theater on February 4th. Mammie and Poppie supplied snacks and dinner for everyone and we all belted out the tunes and shook our groove thangs. It was a BLAST!!!! The movie was really cute and showed alot of behind the scenes action which was neat!