It ends TODAY so head on over there an enter for yourself!
Read a few of her yummy recipes posts and drool a lil over her precious 3 princesses while you are there too!
Thanks Talia for such a fun give away!
I HOPE I WIN!!!!! :D

Posted by Cheeziemommie at 9:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: bloggin, friends, give a ways, talia
Posted by Cheeziemommie at 4:06 PM 0 comments
Labels: party hardy, Uppercase Living
Posted by Cheeziemommie at 9:49 PM 2 comments
Labels: home improvements, Uppercase Living
So it's that time again, back to school time! Which means back to school shopping! YIPPEEE!!!! I've had the most fun picking up and obcene amount 20cent boxes of crayolas, dirt cheap markers, gobs of glue sticks, and so on :) We found great deals on some new clothes when we went outlet shopping at the beach last month. All that's left is their shoes, lunch boxes (Lacie went through 3 last year! OY), and back packs.
Now, when my kids were toddlers & preschoolers I absolutely LOVED buying them tshirts, books, shoes. etc with their fave character(s) on it. I loved that their little personalities were shining through when they had a favorite :) So for the past 3-4 years we have bought stock in just about everything Wiggles, High School Musical, Transformers, Star Wars, and so on.
So now here we are, with Lacie going in to 2nd grade and Colby going in to first. And I'm completely OVER the character-ness of it all! I want cute girly designs and cool boy designs but NO characters. Certainly not the characters that THEY want on their stuff this year.
iCarly? Seriously! And GI JOE? He hasn't even SEEN that movie!
I honestly would have no problem buying them lunchboxes with their favorite character on them, but for some reason, this year I am having a REALLY hard time being ok with it all on their back packs. 1) I now realize just how fleeting these character infatuations are. By Christmas time they will be in to some other tv show or movie! And 2) I like to be unique, and so I want I my kids to be, and to want to be, unique. Apparently unique isn't IN these days ;)
I guess I should pick my battles though. As long as their accessories aren't inappropriate or breaking the bank why not just endulge them for the time being?
I'll keep you posted on what they end up with :)
Posted by Cheeziemommie at 9:14 AM 2 comments
Labels: my funny kids, school
I've always tried to write the funny things that my kids say down on paper. But I'm not good at remembering. Or else I lose the papers. It's a vicious cycle.
But my kids are HILARIOUS and I know that they will be grown and saying grown up things all too soon :(
So I decided to start a blog - He Said/She Said. Maybe if it's on the computer I'll be better about documenting their silliness? Here's hoping!
Posted by Cheeziemommie at 10:29 PM 0 comments
I have been a stay at home housewife/mom for about 90% if my marriage. I've never been good at it.
I'm not good at keeping up with the laundry. More often than not we are digging through a laundry basket (vs. neatly organized dresser drawers) to find something to wear. I'm not good at cooking regular meals. We eat out WAY too much. I'm not good at keeping the kitchen clean. I hate unloading the dishwasher. I'm not a big fan of loading it either. Bathrooms YUCK. I clean the bathrooms because I hate to sit on a dirty toilet or because people are coming over. Scrubbing the baseboards or the grout? No thank you! I love that we have our beautiful home, but I don't feel like I take pride in it as much I should. I can't believe I'm admitting all of this. But it's true. Of course I don't like to live in filth or mess but I absolutely despise housework!
I'm not a good cook. So I don't enjoy it. My family (myself included) is SO picky that it makes it even more of a miserable experience.
Ok enough with the excuses. Bottom line, I'm failing at my job. Whether I enjoy certain aspects of it or not.
I wanted nothing more in life than to be a wife and mother. Not everyone feels this way. I get that. But that's me. I also know that not everyone is lucky enough to have their dreams come true. I was. And I'm not being a good steward of that blessing. I mean, not EVERYONE loves their job right? I just can't imagine being anywhere else.I can't imagine my kids being at their school or a babysitter all day while I do something else. So if cleaning & cooking are the negatives to that wonderful life than I'll deal. And I have. But I have been slacking sooooo badly lately!
So from here on out I am going to renewing my commitment to my family.
I am going to be a good example of a house keeper for my children so that when they are grown they will know how to keep a house. My mom was such a good example of this for me. I just rebelled when I got out of her house LOL I could really use those chore lists, and someone checking up on me now!
I am going to cook dinner as many nights out of the week as possible. Even if my husband isn't home to eat it - he'll have a good lunch the next day! And even if my kids end up poopooing their meal and eating a pb sandwich instead!
I am going to be better at my job. Because I do NOT want to get fired!!!
If any of you have any tips or suggestions on how to make this job any easier/enjoyable? I'm all ears!
Posted by Cheeziemommie at 5:24 PM 4 comments